
The Challenge of Change is an Identity Crisis

Is it a challenge to change; to achieve a goal, to get somewhere in life, or to develop ourselves into the realization of the ideal me? Why?

The simple answer is simply this.

If we take the past experiences of our life and consider them to be stored data; if we take our current circumstances  and our beliefs about it (stored data) and consider it data also; if we take all of our frustrations and appreciations, our dramas  of happy and sad, our stories and opinions; all of it as data. We have a tremendous amount of data that supports and reinforces our current situations.

Yet we have a goal we want to achieve and it seems to be elusive. We want to get somewhere specific in life but we find constant resistance. If this feels applicable to you let me give you an easy solution.

The challenge really is simple. We have more data supporting where we are and not enough supporting where we want to be. So how can we build data that supports where we want to be. This is the easy part.  We simply imagine it as real. Now I strongly suggest that more than thinking it to be so, we feel it. 70% of the result is determined by the emotions we put into the thoughts. But either way the sensory detail we imagine becomes new data and literally builds the new “identity” we’re intending.

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