
Notes from “7 Critical Steps to Help Break Your Bad Habits in Business – DR JOE DISPENZA”

In the free pre-summit series of The Wellness Business Owners World Summit, Dr Joe Dispenza gave a great presentation titled “7 Critical Steps to Help Break Your Bad Habits in Business.”

Below are my notes from the call on Sunday 5/26.

A “habit” is an unconscious set of thoughts behaviors and emotions that’s developed through frequent repetition. The more you do something over and over again, the more it becomes an automatic or autopilot program.
95% of who we are by the time we’re 35 years old is a set of memorized behaviors, emotional reactions, beliefs and perceptions that function just like a subconscious computer program.
You think 60-70,000 thoughts in one day. Out of those 60-70,000 thoughts you think in one day, 90% of those thoughts are the same thoughts as the day before.
Now the same thoughts will always lead to the same choices.
The same choices will always lead to the same behaviors.
The same behaviors will always create the same experiences.
The same experiences will always produce the same emotions.
Those same familiar emotions and feelings will drive the same thoughts and that’s called a personality.
“To change is to be greater than your environment.”

The 1st element of any specific action of change is called intention.
Intention means getting clear on what you want. It’s a simple resolution statement of where you want to be in the future.
“Mind is the brain in action.”
By writing it down you have a 90 % better chance at achieving your goal. Once you write it down you are telling your brain that you mean it.

2nd What are the sponsoring thoughts of why you want to create this outcome?
A sponsoring thought is the biggest secret to making change stick, because once you begin to look at how you want to feel when you arrive at this result, you’re beginning to teach your body emotionally to understand what your mind is intellectually understanding and in that moment your body is getting a taste of the future.

“Freedom is the sponsoring thought for abundance.”

When you get in touch with the freedom of being able to do whatever you want to do, whenever you want to do it and as often as you want to do it; the moment you allow yourself to get in touch with those sponsoring thoughts, of freedom, or bring in love with life, or joy, now your body and brain are no longer living in the past.
If you are feeling lack or you have bad habits of procrastination or no new ideas, for the most part you are functioning off your past circuitry and past emotional reactions.
When you begin to feel an elevated emotion of abundance or freedom or joy or being in love with life; that elevated emotion combined with a clear intention literally begins to change matter.

The way you think and the way you feel broadcasts an electromagnetic frequency signature that influences every single atom in your life.

3rd Once you are clear on the sponsoring thoughts the next thing to do is to review, to remind and prime yourself with what that future is going to be like.
“The hardest part about change is not making the same choices you did the day before.” Once you decide you are no longer going to make the same choices, now you are stepping into the river of change. You are abandoning the old self and you have to cross that river to get to the new self. The moment you are no longer making the same choices that lead to the same behaviors, that create the same experiences, that produce the same emotions, you’re no longer going to feel like yourself and this is where most people get stuck. Because the moment they feel uncomfortable, the moment it feels unpredictable, the moment it feels unfamiliar, they return back to the same choice to produce that same feeling to reaffirm their identity.
Once you understand stepping into that river of change is going to be uncomfortable because it is unfamiliar, now you are beginning to cross the river to the new self.
What are the behaviors and habits of successful people?
How do I want to be when I open my eyes and begin my day?
What would it be like to live in this particular state of mind and body?

Plan your actions.
Think about and speculate who you no longer want to be.
Who do you want to be?
What do I have to do to get there?
What do I need to do to take those steps?
What behaviors do I have to demonstrate?
What are the things that I am not going to do today?
What emotions do I want to stay away from?
What emotions do I want to embrace?

4th is to align your behavior to match your intentions.
This new activity producing a new experience will begin to produce a new emotion. The moment you begin to feel abundant, freedom, possibility, now you are teaching your body emotionally to understand what you r mind has intellectually understood and you are beginning to embody abundance, freedom, joy etc. The word is becoming flesh and you are literally signaling new genes in new ways. Neuro-chemically condition your body to understand what abundance or success or freedom feels like until its unconscious subconscious and its innate in you. When you get to that point, now you are being successful. Move from reaction to response. Emotional reaction is a huge loss of energy needed to energetically finance the change you intend.

5th is Track your changes.
Look at where you succeeded and where you didn’t. When you do this it means you are serious. Notice and reflect on the things you did well and keep doing them. That’s how you begin to develop the new habit. When you fall from your new habit you will be able to correlate it with a choice you made that caused it; a perfect opportunity for you to think about how to do it better the next time it happens.

At wake up – What is the greatest ideal of myself that I can be today?
At bed time – How did I do today?

6th Come out of your resting state.
In order for you to truly change something in your life you have to change your energy. You cannot get up as the same person who sat down. You have to get up as an elevated sense of self. You have to get excited that your day is no longer going to cause you to be a victim by reacting to the same things and people in the same ways at the same times and the same places. How you are changing inside of you will produce a result outside of you.

The old model of reality was I’ll believe it when I see it, the outside (secondary reality) dictating to the inside (primary reality). The new model of reality is I’ll see it when I believe it, internal reality dictating external experience.

When you maintain this whole new electromagnetic signature, this new attention will generate observable results; serendipity, synchronicity, some type of confirmation.

You can never create your new future if you’re holding your attention on your past
The process of change is to unlearn and re-learn. It’s to break the habit of the old self and reinvent the new self. It’s to prune synaptic connections and to sprout new ones. It’s to un-memorize emotions that are stored in the body and then recondition the body to a new mind and a new emotion; to literally pull the anchors out of the past and set your sails for a new future.

What part of your present self doesn’t belong to your future self?

7th Place signs and reminders in your environment.
Keep your conscious mind on what you want and your subconscious mind will acclimate to it.

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