
We want to be Happy and All is Provided

We are all doing the best we can with the resources we have. 

I am being the best being that i know how to be.

For many of us our driving force is “we want to be happy”. Look at the amount of time spent with thoughts and feelings that calibrate below 200 on  David Hawkins’ map of the scale of consciousness. Thoughts associated with past and future, with worry or desire, toward or away from a condition of being. The unreality of polarity, Resistence and Nourishment. Positive and Negative Attachments.  What message does this send to our cells, to our dna. to our neuro-synaptic development? 

How much of our mind time is spent in truth? In  joy, compassion, gratitude?  In trust, courage, faith. In peace and optimism. In happiness? What does this do for our Soul and Spirit. How much benefit can we find in truth?

How much of our day is in Delta, Theta, Alpha , Beta?  What does this mean to our mind body?

Combine the scale of consciousness with with present moment awareness and heart based living and what do you get?

You get the opportunity to fine-tune the frequency scale of your being.  By resonating with more truth and less falsehood,  you get the opportunity to fine-tune all your external facets as well. Your relationships, your opportunity to fulfill your purpose, your finances, your needs and wants. 

All is provided.

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