
Blocks, Counter Intentions, Limiting Beliefs, Charges – Anchors or Sails pt. 1

Many personal development “gurus”extol the power of positive thinking to aid the creation of our intentions. Because we all have the innate desire for betterment in our lives I don’t feel it is as important to cultivate our positive thinking as it to  as cease the emotionally reactive thinking. Positive thinking is great and powerful and I’m not saying don’t do it. I’m saying there is a more powerful method that will create faster and more long lasting results.

Emotional reactions such as anger, frustration, guilt, worry and blame can all be considered as reactionary and encompass varying degrees of stress. No one would ever consciously feed what they don’t want in their lives and yet energetically this is what is happening when we find ourselves in emotional reaction. This is not a conscious choice but a habit or program being perpetuated by the conditioning from our past.

There is a concept known as negative attachment. In the movie The Secret this was elaborated in the story about Mother Theresa when she said, “Never send me to an anti-war campaign ever again. I’ll go to a pro-peace rally but not anti-war.” This is because anti war energetically feeds war. Subconsciously the negative energy feeds what what we are consciously arguing against. We believe we are justified in our emotional reaction because of the facts preceding it. This happens because our intellect serves our focus and participates with the block. This is the recipe for self sabotage.

How often do we find ourselves in some kind of emotional reaction to our daily experience, believe it’s appropriate or justified and continue to allow it, as if it were helping in some way? Did we at some point, sign a contract  saying that when the conditions of our life are not favorable,  we’ll think and feel in this unconscious, reactive way? No! But we do this habitually. This is dropping an anchor in the sea of Don’t Want.

Our habitual state of consciousness is the number one determinant of our personal experience. What’s going on in our heads and hearts when we have no immediate task to focus on? Where do our thoughts go on autopilot? What are we feeding that we don’t want while saying that we want something better?

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