
Awakening Oneness

What is Oneness, Wholeness, Unity, Completeness, Totality?

No separation, no distinction, no other. This is the primary state of consciousness, the fundamental ground of being. So what happened to us, us individuals, the human population? Oneness may have developed focal points. These focal points had centering force and it was the centering force that developed into Two-ness. Inside outside, me you, good bad, positive negative, female male, wave particle. So consciousness evolved relationship in order to witness the contrast of itself, to know itself. It seems this was necessary for love to be learned; for what value is love if there were nothing but love? Eventually, density gave rise to unconsciousness. We needed to forget in order to remember. Living in exponential powers of multiplicity with ethics and morals, needs and wants, past and future, likes and dislikes, all of which influence our choices, we create more experiences that refine and program our choices. Every now and again there is One who attracted by the magnetic allure of a universal truth follows it. One who with fascination resonates with an organizing power principle of life. This individual discovers joy in listening because the calling is realized as memory. It is consciousness recognizing itself. This host, this centering force, this magnetic field of awareness, this person is captivated and compelled to learn more now.

After a few moments of history the human race compiled the encyclopedia galactic…. This massive body of information missed the mark. It found within itself mirrors dictating to shadows. It found reflections of symbols claiming authenticity, until the one every now and again, rediscovered the source and proclaimed, “I am that… You are that…All this is that…, and within this moment of synchronicity the experience of Oneness dawned again; the realization from a localized centering force of the ground of its own being; its own primary fundamental state. Unity Consciousness, Wholeness, Oneness.   

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