
How does One Lose One’s self in Love

How does One Lose One’s self in Love?

How does One fall in Love with All that is?

One Becomes Love. One Realizes Love. God is Love.

What are the symptoms of being in Love? One is absorbed and saturated in thought and action with the object of their Love. So to fall in Love with All that is, God, One is saturated and absorbed in the act of Realizing God. When One surrenders their story, the little self, to the Realization of Being Love, God, One Becomes aligned with the big Self, the “In His Image” Self.

How does One become Awakened? One Realizes Oneness. By immersing yourself, with genuine sincerity, in the act of or process of Realizing Oneness, One becomes the Oneness. The Oneness is All that Is. I Am That. Whatever has my attention, I Am That. Love is the True State and Foundation of Being. God is Love. God then, is the True State and Foundation of Being.

Existence – Consciousness – Bliss. The impulse to move beyond suffering into bliss, is the symptom of the transformation of consciousness from the little self to the Big Self. It is evidence of the Truth of reality manifesting in the minds of man. As the evidence mounts, the Truth becomes more and more obvious. When a threshold is reached, the realization dawns and One becomes absorbed into the Knowing of the Truth. This Knowing is a characteristic of Enlightenment. This Enlightenment is the result of Awakening. This Awakening to the Reality and Truth of Being is happening for All of humanity, Now. It is accelerating faster and faster. You can see it all around You and You are It.

Yogananda wrote, “God as the Love in Me is in Love with His Love in You”. This is Truth.

Namaste / InLakesh

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